Welcome to Castletown Medical Centre
Castletown Medical Centre serves the whole of Castletown as well as its surrounding areas. The building is purpose built and opened in 2003. It also accommodates the Health Visitors and School Nurses.
Our team currently includes 4 GPs, two Practice Nurses, a phlebotomist as well as our Practice Manager, Reception and Administration staff.
Our surgery is accessible to patients using a wheelchair. We also have disabled parking spaces which are reserved for patients displaying a disabled sticker.
We aim to provide high quality care to families and individuals locally and offer a service that is efficient, accessible and acceptable and does not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender infirmity, race, religion, or disability.
If you would like to register with us, please complete our online registration form or call in to collect a form from reception.

Opening Times
Online Services
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Patient Participation Group
We would like to invite you to join our Patient Participation Group
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) consists of a group of patients who try to make a positive contribution to the services offered to patients at the surgery. The PPG meets 2 or 3 times a year and is joined by representatives of the Castletown Medical Centre staff.
The objectives of the PPG are:
- To highlight any services that could be improved
- To develop a communication between patients and the practice
- To promote health events and awareness days
- To influence the provision of local Health and Social care
- To make the practice better for you and others
If you would like to join our PPG please leave your contact details with reception or email us cmc@gov.im
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Practice News
Measles cases are on the rise in the UK. Measles can be a serious disease – it is highly infectious and can result in life changing complications. The best protection from measles is to get 2 doses of the MMR vaccine, given at 1 year and again at 3 years 4 months. If your child hasn't been vaccinated against measles it is not too late! Please call our reception team on 686939 to book an appointment with our practice nurse.